I am thankful for today because I got the answer as to the email message to me, it is therefore a password phishing. Though it takes time to get it done, but am happy to see the result. At first at first glance it seems it is and it isn't until further solution and digging by my own. Thanks that I have the patience in finding the solution lately. It made me think that it's true since when you see it visibly, it is. On the other hand, I was hesitant. Thank you Lord for guiding me or else my gmail account would compromise. I don't want to talk further what nuisance could create this malicious hacker to my email. Thank you for that.
I would like also to thank for my assignment that will due today that I got it before due date, I did it on the eleventh hour which usually I didn't do that. Thanks Lord for guiding me the determination though my mind was weak yet you complete it. Thanks.
Thank you for the blessings Lord. And I would also like to thank for the trials even though I don't like it. (~_~)
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