Usually it is the housewife can notice first if the sink is clog because she’s the one who uses the sink most of the time. So, how what would you do if the water can’t drain fast because of the clog sink. Anyway, here’s a simple and yet effective solution to unclog a sink.
The problem usually lies in the trap, the curved pipe under the sink. If plunging doesn’t work, it is time to clean the trap. No one looks forward to this job, but it is not something to avoid like the plague. If you want to avoid germs and guck, however, pull on a pair of rubber gloves, and put a bucket under the trap before you start. Grip one of the slip nuts (the nuts that connect the pipe to the trap) with slip-joint fliers and turn counterclockwise until the nut is loose. Repeat with the slip nut at the other end of the trap. If your pipes are chrome or copper, slide the slip nuts down the pipe and remove washers. If the pipes are PVC, remove the slip nuts and the washers. Pull the trap loose and empty it into the bucket. You may have to use a stiff wire to pull out the clog. Wash the trap naturally, and reverse the process to replace it. Run some water to refill the trap. So, that’s the simple way to unclog a sink.